Dec 5, 2007
Image 1 of 9
Tacoma Group -
Image 2 of 9
Howard and Doris Brownlee, Bob Mohr -
Image 3 of 9
Lindy Nelson, Dick Davidson -
Image 4 of 9
Diane Nelson, Camile Zenon -
Image 5 of 9
Celine and Gary Walton -
Image 6 of 9
Gene Whitcombe, Bob Mohr -
Image 7 of 9
Hal Pearson, Al Wilhelm -
Image 8 of 9
Joe Caddy, John Leskovar -
Image 9 of 9
Tacoma Group
June 4, 2008
Image 1 of 10
Roy Brennan, Hank Pedersen -
Image 2 of 10
Paul & Marylin Schmeil, Roy Brennan -
Image 3 of 10
Nancy Caddy, Al Wilhelm -
Image 4 of 10
Sid Jones, Hank Pedersen, Paul Schmeil -
Image 5 of 10
Roy Brennan, Joe Caddy -
Image 6 of 10
Rob Buller, Roy Brennan -
Image 7 of 10
Rita May Jones, Elaine Belshay, Celine & Gary Walton -
Image 8 of 10
Marylin Schmeil, Sherry Buller, Ginny Heil, Bess Miotke -
Image 9 of 10
Gene & Sonja Whitcombe -
Image 10 of 10
Rob Buller, Dave Walker
Dec 3, 2008
Image 1 of 14
Tacoma Lunch Bunch -
Image 2 of 14
Irene Johnson and Margret Gayda -
Image 3 of 14
Camile Zenon, Hal Pearson, and Bob Wheaton -
Image 4 of 14
Nancy and Joe Caddy, Les Foster -
Image 5 of 14
Daughter Heidi and Gene Whitcombe -
Image 6 of 14
Geri and John Leskovar, Les Foster -
Image 7 of 14
Jim and Irene Johnson -
Image 8 of 14
Diane and Lindy Nelson -
Image 9 of 14
Bob Wheaton, Roy Brennan, Rob Buller -
Image 10 of 14
Al Wilhelm, Camile Zenon -
Image 11 of 14
Ellis Slattery and Friend Bunny -
Image 12 of 14
Bob and Janet Mohr -
Image 13 of 14
Terry and Len McAdams now living near their family in Santa Fe -
Image 14 of 14
Tacoma Lunch Bunch
June 3, 2009
Dec 2, 2009
June 2, 2010
Image 1 of 8
Janet Mohr, Irene and Jim Johnson -
Image 2 of 8
Dick and Darlene Davidson, John and Geri Leskovar -
Image 3 of 8
Bob and Janet Mohr, Irene Johnson -
Image 4 of 8
Ellis Slattery and friend Bunny, Sid and Rita Mae Jones, Camile Zenon -
Image 5 of 8
Les Foster, Paul Schmeil, Geri and John Leskovar -
Image 6 of 8
Camile Zenon, Sid and Rita Mae Jones, Bunny and Ellis Slattery -
Image 7 of 8
Dick and Darlene Davidson -
Image 8 of 8
Sid and Rita Mae Jones, Bunny and Ellis Slattery
December 1, 2010
Image 1 of 6
Joe and Nancy Caddy, Art Wilson, Roy Brennan -
Image 2 of 6
Ellis Slattery and friend Bunny, Sid and Rita Mae Jones -
Image 3 of 6
Dick Davidson, Jim Giesy, Clark and Clara Kenney -
Image 4 of 6
Clara Kenney, Janet and Bob Mohr -
Image 5 of 6
The Dessert Winner: Dick Davidson -
Image 6 of 6
Mrs and Roger Hamm, Diane and Lindy Nelson
June 1, 2011
December 7, 2011
Image 1 of 7
Roy Brennan, Clara Kenney, Clark Kenney, Carol Hamm, Les Foster -
Image 2 of 7
Gene Whitcombe, Janet Mohr, Bob Moh -
Image 3 of 7
Art Wilson, Jim Johnson, Irene Johnso -
Image 4 of 7
John Baker, Nancy Caddy, Joe Cadd -
Image 5 of 7
Bunny, Ellis Slattery, Sid Jone -
Image 6 of 7
Dick Davidson, Jim Giesy, Cathy Penson, Lindy Nelson, Diane Nelso -
Image 7 of 7
Clara Kenney, Clark Kenney, Roger Hamm, Carol Ham
June 6, 2012
Image 1 of 7
Sid Jones, Rita Mae Jones, Darlene and Dick Davidson -
Image 2 of 7
Paul and Marylin Schmeil -
Image 3 of 7
Pam Peabody, Les Foster -
Image 4 of 7
Nancy Caddy, Janet Mohr, Vera Wilson, John Wheeler, Joe Caddy, Art Wilson -
Image 5 of 7
Jim and Irene Johnson -
Image 6 of 7
Gene Whitcombe, Sonja Whitcombe, Bob Mohr, Art Wilson, Les Foster -
Image 7 of 7
John Wheeler, Gerry Nutter, Nancy Franks, Patsy Wells, Mike Wells, Clint Franks, Bill Nutter
December 5, 2012
Image 1 of 10
Rob Buller, Rita Mae Jones, Sid Jones,Ellis Slattery, Joe Caddy, Nancy Caddy, Dick Racek, Bob Mohr -
Image 2 of 10
Carolyn Brennan, Clark Kenney, John Baker, Carol Hamm, Clara Kenney, Roy Brennan -
Image 3 of 10
Darlene Davidson, Sonja Whitcombe, Gene Whitcombe, Dick Davidson, Jim Giesy, Maria Giesy -
Image 4 of 10
Art Wilson, Les Foster, Diane Nelson, Lindy Nelson, Steve Comstock -
Image 5 of 10
Gary Bennett, Jim Graham, Rose Miller, Cathy Penson -
Image 6 of 10
Carol Hamm, Roger Hamm, Clara Kenney -
Image 7 of 10
Nancy Caddy, Joe Caddy, Clark Kenney -
Image 8 of 10
John Baker, Rita Mae Jones -
Image 9 of 10
Sid Jones, Ellis Slattery -
Image 10 of 10
Art Wilson, Les Foster, Rob Buller
June 5, 2013
Image 1 of 11
Les Foster, Pam Peabody, Carol Hamm -
Image 2 of 11
Carol Hamm, Janet Mohr, Carolyn Brennan -
Image 3 of 11
Cathy Penson, Art Wilson, Lindy Nelson, Ron Peabody, Pam Peabody -
Image 4 of 11
RitaMae Jones, Ellis Slattery, Roy Brennan -
Image 5 of 11
Carolyn Brennan, Carol Hamm, Roger Hamm -
Image 6 of 11
Sid Jones, RitaMae Jones, Ellis Slattery -
Image 7 of 11
John Baker, Paul Schmeil, Les Foster -
Image 8 of 11
Art Wilson, Marilyn Schmeil, Bob Wheaton, Janet Mohr -
Image 9 of 11
Dick Davidson, Ron Peabody, Pam Peabody -
Image 10 of 11
Lindy Nelson, Gene Whitcombe, Sonya Whitcombe -
Image 11 of 11
Cathy Penson, Diane Nelson, Lindy Nelson
December 4, 2013
Image 1 of 10
Roger Hamm, Roy Brennan, Les Foster, Art Wilson, Bob Mohr -
Image 2 of 10
Carolyn Brennan, Roger Hamm -
Image 3 of 10
Art Wilson, Les Foster -
Image 4 of 10
Sonja & Gene Whitcombe -
Image 5 of 10
Darlene Davidson, Maria Giesy -
Image 6 of 10
Dick Davidson, Jim Giesy -
Image 7 of 10
Sid Jones, Dick Racek -
Image 8 of 10
Rita Mae Jones, Bunny Slattery -
Image 9 of 10
Roy and Carolyn Brennan, Bob Mohr -
Image 10 of 10
The View from Johnny's Dock
Dec 3, 2014
Image 1 of 10
Cathy Penson, Carolyn Brennan -
Image 2 of 10
Bob Mohr, John Baker -
Image 3 of 10
Clark Kenney, Clara Kenney, Carol Hamm -
Image 4 of 10
RitaMae Jones, Sid Jones -
Image 5 of 10
Ellis Slattery, Bunny Slattery -
Image 6 of 10
Ray Bates, Gary Bennett -
Image 7 of 10
John Wheeler, Cathy Penson -
Image 8 of 10
Roy Brennan, Joan Foreman -
Image 9 of 10
Jim Giesy, Maria Giesy, Bob Wheaton -
Image 10 of 10
Les Foster, Steve Fameli
June 3, 2015
Image 1 of 7
Art Wilson, Joan Foreman, Sid Jones, Rita Mae Jones -
Image 2 of 7
Carol Hamm, Roger Hamm, John Baker -
Image 3 of 7
Paul Schmeil, Les Foster, Bob Mohr -
Image 4 of 7
Ron Peabody, Pam Peabody, Diane Nelson, Lindy Nelson -
Image 5 of 7
John Wheeler, Carolyn Brennan -
Image 6 of 7
Maria Giesy, Dave Walker, Gloria Walker -
Image 7 of 7
Clark Kenney, Clara Kenney, Jim Giesy
December 2, 2015
December 7, 2016
Image 1 of 9
1) Rita Mae & Sid Jones -
Image 2 of 9
2) Carole & Roger Hamm -
Image 3 of 9
3) Sandy & Ray Bates -
Image 4 of 9
4) Bob Mohr, Lindy Nelson, Kirk Cocran -
Image 5 of 9
5) Clark & Clara Kenney, Diane Nelson -
Image 6 of 9
6) Paul Lee, Gary Bennett -
Image 7 of 9
7) Carole & Roger Hamm, Sandy & Ray Bates, Carolyn Brennan -
Image 8 of 9
8) Lindy & Diane Nelson, Kirk Cocran -
Image 9 of 9
9) Cathy Penson, Clark & Clara Kenney
June 7, 2017
Image 1 of 8
Clara Kenney, Carolyn Brennan -
Image 2 of 8
Steve Fameli, Norma Fameli, Sandra Bates, Ray Bates, Gary Bennett -
Image 3 of 8
Clark Kenney, Clara Kenney, Sonya Whitcombe, Cathy Penson, Lindy Nelson, Diane Nelson, Dave Weaver -
Image 4 of 8
Rob Buller, Marilyn Schmeil, Rita Mae Jones, Sid Jones, John Baker, Paul Schmeil, Bob Mohr -
Image 5 of 8
Sid Jones, John Baker -
Image 6 of 8
Les Foster, Art Wilson -
Image 7 of 8
John Leskovar, Geri Leskovar, Rob Buller -
Image 8 of 8
Clark Kenney, Dave Weaver
December 6, 2017
Image 1 of 6
Carol & Roger Hamm -
Image 2 of 6
John Baker, Clark Kenney, Clara Kenney -
Image 3 of 6
Wayne Hale, John Baker -
Image 4 of 6
Gloria Walker, Chuck Totten, Dave Walker, Liz Totten -
Image 5 of 6
Clark & Clara Kenney -
Image 6 of 6
seated: Carol Hamm, Clara Kenney, Sandy Bates, Liz Totten, Carolyn Brennan Second row: Roy Brennan, Roger Hamm, Gary Bennett, Chuck Totten, Gloria Walker Back row: Bob Mohr, Clark Kenney, Ray Bates, John Baker, Wayne Hale, Dave Walker
June 6, 2018
June 5, 2019
Image 1 of 6
Bob Mohr, Art Wilson and Ray Bates -
Image 2 of 6
Norma Fameli, Ray Bates, Steve Fameli, Rob Buller and Gary Bennett -
Image 3 of 6
John Leskovar, Geri Leskovar, Rob Buller, Art Wilson and Kirk Cocran -
Image 4 of 6
Carolyn Brennan, Bob Mohr, Lindy Nelson, Diane Nelson, Cathy Penson and Roy Brennan -
Image 5 of 6
John Baker, Marylin Schmeil, Paul Schmeil, Jim Giesy, Maria Giesy and Rita May Jones -
Image 6 of 6
Roger Hamm, Carolyn Hamm, Ray Bates, Sandra Bates, Norma Fameli, Steve Fameli and Gary Bennett
January 7, 2020
Image 1 of 5
Diane Cocran, Gloria Walker, Clara Kenney, Clark Kenney, Gary Bennett -
Image 2 of 5
Rita May Jones, John Baker, Chuck Totten, Liz Totten -
Image 3 of 5
Ray Bates, Sandra Bates, Roger Hamm, Carolyn Hamm, Rita May Jones -
Image 4 of 5
Vera Wilson, Art Wilson, Dave Walker, Bob Mohr, Les Foster -
Image 5 of 5
Les Foster, Rob Buller, Kirk Cocran, Diane Cocran, Gloria Walker